Great, Big, Wonderful World | Collection Introduction by Sharyn Sowell
Truly, we live in a great big, wonderful world. There’s no such thing as ordinary, is there?
Pour yourself a simple cup of tea and watch the steam curl upwards. Open the door and smell the wind, feel the way it blows your hair across your face. Hesitate for just a minute to enjoy the sparkle of raindrops on a flower or the sound of children’s laughter.
All life is a miracle, isn’t it? And every tiny thing is worthy of delight and celebration.
The great big, wonderful world collection is perfect for that every day habit of sharing life with those we love. I’m sharing with you a piece of my heart, that part of each of us that sends love to a sister or partner, comforts a hurting friend or neighbor, and shouts the happiest happy birthday ever! Because there’s truly no such thing as ordinary.
S5-385 With Love – For me a versatile die is worth its weight in gold. This one I designed so I the words can be used in any combination you like or without any words at all. You might like to fold it in half and use as a place card (I did!) or write the names of a bride and groom and send as a wedding or shower invitation, use for thank you notes or place on a buffet table to identify the dishes you’re serving. Isn’t versatility wonderful?
S3-363 Sun Face – My scissors must have been very happy when I shipped this joyful sun face because it almost looks like it sings for joy. Looks great on a package and makes a nice note for any occasion.
S4-966 Dance for Joy – My neighbors were playing in the garden and having so much fun I couldn’t resist taking out my scissors and creating this happy piece, perfect for a party or just to celebrate nothing like they were. It pairs perfectly with S4-967 Join the Parade or stands alone. I even cut it from sugar sheets to wrap around a simple birthday cake- what fun!
S3-364 Love and Flowers – Joy and love make the world go around! I scissored this sunflower and children with lots of detail. You can use this die like a coloring sheet, decorating with colored pencils or crayon, paint with watercolor or leave it just as you cut it… lots of possibilities for art play here.
S4-970 Love Grows – Straight from the garden, ready for sending a note or decorating a package. This all-season all occasion piece has pretty details everywhere because I love to let the dies do all the work, cutting from a lovely simple piece of cardstock and letting the tiny details shine. Use with the words or without, and write your own message.
S4-967 Join the Parade – Every piece I make is cut freehand using only a pair of small scissors and this one was great fun because it shows the body language of joy. I’ve used it for birthdays, thank you, and everyday times I want to say “I’m so glad you’re part of my life!” This pairs seamlessly with S4-966 or stands alone for any occasion.
S4-968 Butterfly and Flora – If there’s anything more beautiful than a garden full of flowers and tiny winged friends I can’t think what it could be. I snipped this sitting on a hillside of delphiniums and butterflies. I always wanted a summer birthday so I decided to take my scissors outdoors, bake myself a cupcake and pretend. And this is what I made. I send my biggest smile your way with this die.
S4-965 Peaceful Garden – Every day is full of happiness if we just slow down enough to notice the little pleasures. When I looked out my studio window and saw children splashing in the bird bath, I almost ran out to stop them. Then I saw this was how they felt- that joy of being small and innocent. I cut out the scene to keep that feeling of simple pleasures and happy memories.
S4-969 Sweet Letters – Snail mail makes my day! I believe in the power of a simple note to change someone’s day. This is going to be a standby for me, perfect to make in bulk and keep in my desk to send anyone any time. I love this image cut in a pale color over white background but it’s stunning with lots of contrast, too.
S5-386 Peace Begins Here – Home is where world peace takes root, peace in our hearts, then goes out in ever increasing ripples. I love this piece for folded cards, cutting from fabric and stitching onto a pillow case, and using with votives behind it. It works great decoupaged onto wood for a welcome sign. You can cut the piece apart and use the elements as well, making it work for multiple projects. Sometimes I need a gentle reminder that there is nothing as important as home. Happy sigh.
Beverly Jordan
These are so delightful! Love Scherenschnitte or paper cut art and this is just like those but much easier! Gorgeous silhouettes!
So many beautiful things to love! But that butterfly with the bleeding hearts… oh my!!
Becky Reeder
Such fabulous dies and cards, what to get first…